About / Angie Tomson

Just figuring out where the shapes go.

Striking a delicate balance between Impressionism and Abstract, I seek to capture the essence of people and landscapes through my self-taught work with acrylics.

Working as graphic designer and creative director by day, this mossy medium allows me to have the vehicle to capture texture and emotion in ways that pixels simply fall short. Inspired by the work of my self-taught grandfather, I first picked up a brush in 2018, hoping to find the same spark that graced his canvases. I hope that my love for the outdoors and enthusiasm for human moments stir viewers to consciously consider how they move through the world.

One Two Coyote

“Coyotes move within a landscape of attentiveness. I have seen their eyes in the creosote bushes and among mesquite trees. They have watched me. And all the times that I saw no eyes, that I kept walking and never knew, there were still coyotes. When I have seen them trot away, when I have stepped from the floorboard of my truck, leaned on the door, and watched them as they watched me over their shoulders, I have been aware for that moment of how much more there is. Of how I have only seen only an instant of a broad and rich life.”

- The Animal Dialogues: Uncommon Encounters in the Wild